Homeaudio → News OAU ・ MARTIN "For Irish songs ... At first I thought it was" impossible "(laughs)" Telling the secret story of the new EP production

News OAU ・ MARTIN "For Irish songs ... At first I thought it was" impossible "(laughs)" Telling the secret story of the new EP production

(From left) George Williams, MARTIN, Rei Yasuda

ニュース OAU・MARTIN「アイリッシュの曲に…最初は“ありえない”と思った(笑)」新EP制作秘話を語る

The live broadcast program "JA Zenno COUNTDOWN JAPAN" of TOKYO FM, where George Williams and Rei Yasuda serve as personalities. MARTIN (Vo / Vn / Gt) of OAU (OVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUND) will appear on the broadcast on Saturday, February 5th. He talked about the new EP "New Spring Harvest" released on February 2nd (Wednesday).

◆ What is the meaning of the EP title?

--Why did the album "New Spring Harvest" have this title? MARTIN: There are "New Acoustic Camp" and "New Acoustic Brand" (in our activities), and it's a word that feels hopeful, and I want to keep "New". "Spring Harvest" there. Spring is "spring" and Harvest is "harvest", and I think it means "you can get good things and life things", so it's like "music that becomes life". ――How was the recording? MARTIN: It was fun, but after all it was a pandemic work, so we couldn't get together and recorded each one with an engineer, myself, and somebody else. But with a style like this one, you feel play, right? You've never heard of an Irish melody and a funk guitar (laughs). I really enjoyed making the album. ――Is this your first time to make an album like this? MARTIN: It's my first time. When I was asked "Why don't you add the funk cutting of KOHKI (ACOUSTIC GUITAR)" to the Irish song, at first I thought it was "impossible" (laughs). But when I try it, I'm so addicted to it. It's a strange sound, isn't it? ――The lead track "The World Changes" was made two years ago, but how was it when you made it? MARTIN: When I was able to do it, I was surprised at the content of the lyrics. I was wondering if the title "The world would change" would be the aggressive lyrics of TOSHI-LOW (Vo / Gt), but I could make soft lyrics that are completely different (from the image) like a love song. At that time, TOSHI-LOW's growth, old age, and full of love ... I could see TOSHI-LOW very much. (From TOKYO FM "JA Zenno COUNTDOWN JAPAN" broadcast on Saturday, February 5, 2022)
