Homephone case → Ace Kitayama SHOPIFY Construction Diary#7 ~ Management Function / Product Management -Part 1

Ace Kitayama SHOPIFY Construction Diary#7 ~ Management Function / Product Management -Part 1

SHOPIFY is attracting much attention now.It is excellent in ease of use, cost, and expandability, and has been expanding to Japan despite being a service from Canada.Ace Co., Ltd., which sells bags and carry cases at such SHOPIFY, built an outlet EC site and opened it on June 7, 2021.(Https: // outlet.ACE.JP/) From the business perspective of what kind of information gathered and what kind of communication has been performed with the production partner, Mr. Kitayama (@rossi_kitayama), an e -commerce person, serializes a diary with NOTE.ing.・ Click here if you want to read all diaries now → https: // note.COM/EC_Zoe/M/M34add23A39F0EC's Mikata will also introduce Kitayama's diary.If you are thinking of building a site in SHOPIFY, please take a look.


Check out the product management, which is the main management function.The recognition gap that you can't do what you have done so far will be a regret later.By all means, do you do what you want to do in the function check?We recommend that you check around here.

1.Adding a product


2.Duplicate the product page

新しい商品を追加するときに時間を節約するため、同様の商品を複製することができます。3.Shopify POSから商品登録を行うShopify POSの画面から新しい商品を作成することができます。利用方法のイメージですが、リユースとか店舗のみしか扱っていないアイテムを店舗から登録できるとEC担当者としてはとても嬉しいですね。4.商品を編集する商品の作成後、商品を編集して説明、価格、その他の商品詳細を変更できます。当たり前の機能といえばこれがないと逆に怖いw

5.Product inventory management of sales channels


6.Add and delete tags


7.SEO measures


10.Product variation registration


Following the second part of variations -management functions and product management-
