Homephone case → Forum Eight released "F8VPS Virtual Voting"

Forum Eight released "F8VPS Virtual Voting"

Forum Eight Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: 2-15-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Yuji Ito, URL: https: // www.forum8.Child.JP) has released a social communication tool that allows you to browse and evaluate exhibition projects in virtual space.This product is a product that specializes in package software F8VPS (Forum Eight Burchal Platform System) features that can build virtual systems in all space.The F8VPS is a virtual platform that can be communicated on the cloud via a 3DVR space and an avatar, which can be communicated on the cloud. Various various things such as telework promotion, virtual campus / showroom / exhibition / factory tours, work training, business management, voting, etc.It can be used for some purpose.The F8VPS Virtual Voting is used in the international competition "CPWC 9th Student Cloud Programming World Cup" and "VDWC 11th Student BIM & VR Design Contest on -the -Cloud" nomination screening and voting (October 2021).。Equipped with functions that can be easily held for projects such as competitions, such as creating, management, voting, review settings, aggregation, and ranking rankings.

▲F8VPSバーチャル投票システムで構築したCPWC(上)・VDWC(下)のノミネート審査・投票ページ。各作品の概要・プロジェクトページを閲覧し、得点・コメントを付けて投票できる。(バーチャル会場協力:境港市/市民交流センター)【関連情報】▼VR Design Studio UC-win/Roadhttps://vr.forum8.Child.jp/▼F8VPS(フォーラムエイト・バーチャル・プラットフォーム・システム)https://www.forum8.Child.jp/forum8/f8vps/▼CPWC 第9回学生クラウドプログラミングワールドカップhttps://cpwc.forum8.Child.jp/▼VDWC 第11回学生BIM&VRデザインコンテストオンクラウドhttps://vdwc.forum8.Child.jp/▼バーチャルツアー事例「VR国総研(国土交通省 国土技術政策総合研究所)」https://youtu.be/zUx36AIm88Y▼パックン出演 フォーラムエイトTVCM放映中!https://www.forum8.Child.jp/forum8/tvcm2020.htm

