Homephone case → Annexed antioxidant agent "TWENDEE X" is a 4.2 -year -old brain age with a 30 -day continuous intake!(From the monitor survey result)

Annexed antioxidant agent "TWENDEE X" is a 4.2 -year -old brain age with a 30 -day continuous intake!(From the monitor survey result)

TIMA TOKYO Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya -ku, Tokyo President: Sho Tanaka) conducts a brain health checkup test for seniors (Headquarters: Chiyoda -ku, Tokyo, Tokyo (Headquarters: Chiyoda -ku, Tokyo, Tokyo).Representative Director: Yoshinori Ota Use the "Brain Activity Regular Inspection (abbreviation" brain examination ")" provided by "Brain Activity Research Institute") for 250 members of the service (159 final respondents).A monitor survey was conducted to verify the "effect on brain function" by "TWENDEE X ( * 1)".As a result, by consuming "TWENDEE X", the average brain age calculated by brain examination is 4 on average..It was suggested that two years old may be rejuvenated ( * 2).* 1 "TWENDEE X" is sold as "oxycat" by the manufacturer TIMA TOKYO Co., Ltd.In this monitor survey, we conduct a survey using the general sales name "oxycat".* 2 Brain age calculated by comparing the specimen data of 5,000 healthy people.As a result of adding a system modification, the result of the exams is less than 40 years old.

Dementia is increasing rapidly, and according to the new orange plan of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, it is estimated that the number of illnesses will be 7 million in 2025.However, since July 2011, no new drugs that are effective for Alzheimer's dementia have appeared, and the development of new drugs for dementia is now a common urgent task.

It is said that the main causes of Alzheimer's dementia are garbage such as amyloid β and tauten proteins that accumulate in the brain, but research has shown that the involvement of oxidative stress is always important.rice field.TWENDEE X, which has an antioxidant effect, is an antioxidant supplement that contains eight components., And showed a significant easing of neurositis.In addition, in order to examine the preventive effect on the deterioration of cognitive function of human mild cognitive impairment (MCI), clinical trials are conducted at eight facilities nationwide by the Japan Society of Dementia, and the subject of the subject's cognitive ability mmse.In addition, it was published in the Journal of Alzheimer Dizzy, a journal of the 2019 dementia and Alzheimer's disease, "Journal of Alzheimer Dizzy," which has significantly improved the River-type simple intelligence evaluation scale (HDS-R).。As a result, TWENDEE X was determined by A, "It has the effect of preventing dementia," with a six -level certified glate of the Evidence Creation Committee of the Dementia Prevention Society.Dementia begins in the brain about 25 years before the onset, and has been in full swing after the MCI period.The oxidative stress, which is also caused by the rust of the body and the oxalty, is considered to have an important role in MCI and early Alzheimer's disease (AD), and will lead to further development of dementia prevention drugs in the future.It will be.Therefore, in order to verify the "effect on the brain" of "TWENDEE X" for healthy people, 250 people (finals "can be used to easily measure whether the cognitive function of the brain is appropriate for age.We have implemented a program to monitor cognitive function change before and after intake for 159 respondents.

[Figure] National R & D Corporation National Mental and Neurological Medical Research Center Hospital Director Koji Abe


抗酸化配合剤「Twendee X(トゥエンディ エックス)」30日間の継続摂取で脳年齢が平均4.2歳若返る!(モニター調査結果より)

Survey theme: Monitor survey period on the "Effect of the Brain" by taking the antioxidant "TWENDEE X": July 5, 2021 -September 7, 2021Gender survey: 250 brain inspection members.The analysis is 159 people survey methods that take TWENDEE X out of 250 brain tests and complete the 5 items of the brain examination at the start and 30 days later: "TWENDEE X" to the monitor participants.Distributed 30 days, undergoing "brain inspection" before and after intake (30 days later), the average brain age is 43, before and after the intake of the antioxidant compounding agent "TWENDEE X"..39 average from 53 years old.28 years old, average 4.I was 2 years old.

協力:東海国立大学機構 岐阜大学高等研究院 科学研究基盤センター 共同研究講座 抗酸化研究部門公益財団法人 ルイ・パストゥール医学研究センター 抗酸化研究室

About changes in brain age and brain deviation value

As a result of the monitor survey, on average 43 at the start.The average of 53 years old is 39 on the average of 30 days after ingestion.At the age of 28, average brain age is 4.2 years old, the deviation value is 2 average.96高くなる結果となりました。(p<0.001)

脳検は、数字の記憶、言葉の記憶、空間把握、記憶と計算、変化推理の5つの項目で行われる検査で、5,000人の受験者データを基に脳の認知機能が年齢相応なのかをチェックし、その値を同年代と比較した偏差値などを算出します。また、その検査方法は査読付き論文※にて報告されています。一方、本検査は認知症や軽度認知障害を医学的に診断するものではなく、それらの発症を防止するための訓練ツールでもありません。●数字の記憶:並んだ数字を覚え、覚えた数字を次のページで、左から順に、または右から順に答える問題です。短期的な記憶力を測ること で、主に側頭葉(頭の横側、耳の上あたり)の活性度やアルツハイマー型などの傾向を測ります。●言葉の記憶:6つの単語を覚え、覚えた後に別の問題を2、3解きます。その後提示される単語が、先に覚えた6つの単語かどうかを答える問題です。「数字の記憶」同様、主に側頭葉(頭の横側、耳の上あたり)の活性度やアルツハイマー型などの傾向を測ります。●空間把握:積み木で作った立体を、複数回転させたものがあり、その中から、違うものを選ぶ問題です。立体や空間を把握する力を測ることで、主に頭頂葉(頭の天辺)の活性度やレビー小体型などの傾向を測ります。●記憶と計算:画面に出てくる数字を覚え、次の画面に出てくる​数字と足します。前後の2つの数字の​足し算を繰り返していきます。記憶と計算する力、ルールを理解する力を測ることで、主に前頭葉(頭の前側)の活性度やピック病や脳血管性認知症などの傾向を測ります。●変化推理:図形がルールに従って変化しています。その変化を推測します。規則を読み取る力を検査します。ルールを理解する力を測ることで、主に前頭葉(頭の前側)の活性度やピック病や脳血管性認知症などの傾向を測ります​。検査名称:脳活性度定期検査(脳検)検査方法:パソコン、タブレット、スマートフォンで受検検査監修:東京都立産業技術大学院大学 認知症・神経心理学講座特任教授 佐藤 正之 先生※ Online Tool (Brain Assessment) for the Detection of Cognitive Function Changes during Aging.Masayuki satoh et al.Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2021; 50 (1): 85-95.Provided by: Brain Activity Research Institute URL: https: // www.NOUKEN.jp

TWENDEE X is an antioxidant compound that contains eight effective raw materials such as coenzyme Q10, vitamin and amino acids, developed by Professor Haruhiko Inugo, a specially appointed professor of the Gifu University Science Research Foreign Research Center.In 2014, the company ICDD (France), which researches and measure many antioxidants, was evaluated as the world's most powerful antioxidant effect in 2014, and was led by the Japan Society of Dementia Prevention Society Evidence Committee in 2019.It is an antioxidant combination of clinical research that has been confirmed for the first time in the world to reduce the progress of mild cognitive impairment, and has been certified by Grade A (1,2,3).The effects have been confirmed for many allergic diseases, which are said to lose their immunity balance.It has been reported that 95 % of those who have asthma who participated in the monitor questionnaire decreased (4).

Company name: TIMA TOKYO Co., Ltd. Representative: Sho Tanaka established: Sho Tanaka Established: June 21, 2019 Location: 3-28-2 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo SP15EBISU 3rd floor TEL: 03-6740-7308 Fax: 050-3730-5607 Business contents: Research and development of supplements, manufacturing and sales URL: https: // Timajapan.COM/
