Homephone case → A fierce battlefield of sweets!A new hybrid sweets “Chunelé” (Shunure), which takes ahead of the trend, is born from the new store “Kirinatoki, Kirinakoto.”

A fierce battlefield of sweets!A new hybrid sweets “Chunelé” (Shunure), which takes ahead of the trend, is born from the new store “Kirinatoki, Kirinakoto.”

U -RL: H TPS: // Kirakira 101.MyShopify.Com/Collections/Sweets

It is an original hybrid sweets that combines the traditional French confectionery "Kanure" and the Japanese national confectionery "cream puff".The outside is a cream puff fabric, but it uses a canure type and burns it firmly from 360 degrees, making it a different texture from the cream puff.The lineup is the classic "custard", "chocolate", and "limited flavors" that change each season, so you can enjoy it all year round.


URL: https: // Instagram.com/kirakira.TEA101? UTM_MEDIUM = Copy_link Currently, sized products such as a set of six shusunules limited to the Christmas season are also being developed.The cute decorated Shunure is packed with different creams.



This tea latte bottle has gained popularity alongside Shurenure.In addition to orthodox "Matcha Latte" and "Hojicha Latte", all 12 kinds of tea latte, including late of fruit tea such as peach tea and lemon tea, as well as fragrant tea latte such as jasmine tea and rooibos.All drinks are put in a glass bottle and handed out the labels on the spot.Characters are compatible with hiragana, katakana, kanji, alphanumeric characters, and Hangul.Along with messages such as "HappyBirthday" and "Thank you always", the drinks were made to a nice gift.

URL: https: // www.Instagram.COM/REEL/CV4BCAGA9FM/? UTM_SOURCE = Ig_web_copy

オリジナルのティーラテボトルは、贈り物にはもちろん、記念⽇の⽇付やご⾃⾝のお名前、好きな⾔葉など、お好きな⽂字を⼊れることができます。最近では、“ 推し活 ” ブームの影響で、好きなアーティストやアイドル、声優さんのお名前やお誕⽣⽇、ファンクラブの会員ナンバーを印字される⽅も。オープンからやっと1か月がたったばかりにも関わらず、毎日必ず1組以上は推し活理由にお越しいただくほどです。各グループの名古屋公演に合わせ、遠⽅から来店される⽅も数多くいらっしゃいます。

The name of the store, "Kirinatoki, Kirinakoto.", Has a negative, calms the heart and blows the latter half with a large deep breathing, and has a structure in which "glitter" shining characters emerge.In what we don't like, the positive elements that lead to ourselves now, such as "I have it now because I had it," "I have it, so I met this way."I think there is surely.In October 2021, we started a new attempt at Nagoya City, Nagoya City, with a pars on the busy day.

All of the interiors in the store are made.In the midst of Corona's evil, the interior work was performed in about 2 months.

This place has been vacant for more than 15 years despite the good area of about 10 seconds on foot from Nagoya Municipal Subway King King's No. 2.Located under the stairs of a sudden angle, the atmosphere is dark and dubious.I lit a little light here, and I made it with my own hands, imagining the walls, floors, and store fixtures one by one.When you see it up close, maybe a little Ara may be stopped.But all of them have a story.This place, which is a long time ago, breathing after a long absence with warm light and creation.Although the long -awaited emergency situation is relaxed, it is now ready to welcome you in the Corona situation where you can finally feel calm.We are waiting for you to come.
