Homeearphone → When the throat is clogged in the throat ... why the Tokyo Fire Department does not recommend using a vacuum cleaner

When the throat is clogged in the throat ... why the Tokyo Fire Department does not recommend using a vacuum cleaner

Omochi, a representative of the New Year's food.

It is a versatile food that can be enjoyed as a variety of dishes, such as ozoni or hedge.

It is a delicious mochi, but there is also a danger of being clogged in the throat.

How many people were transported by mochi?

According to the Tokyo Fire Department, 463 people were transported in Tokyo in 2015-2019 for suffocation due to mochi and dumplings in Tokyo.

Source: Tokyo Fire Department

Due to suffocation and accidental ingestion, the most is wrapped.Next, it is a mochi and meat.

Source: Tokyo Fire Department

おもちをノドに詰まらせた時は… 東京消防庁が掃除機の使用を推奨しない理由

Looking at the number of people transported by month, you can see that 177 people in January and 63 in December are concentrated during the year -end and New Year holidays.

That's why many people eat mochi and clog throat.

What if your mochi gets stuck in the throat?

So how do you deal with it if you actually clog your throat?I asked the agency.

The agency recommends "If you can cough, let it out, and if you do not have a cough," Haibukoda ".It's a way to hang your back.

The method of tapping back is as follows.

Quoted by Tokyo Fire Department

If you get stuck in your throat, you may think that you have to take it out with a vacuum cleaner.


On top of that, so that the mochi does not get stuck in the throat, it is "small cut and easy to eat, and chew slowly and eat."

A delicious New Year dish.I want to taste it safely and slowly.

[Sentence / configuration / Grape editorial department]

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